How's that for a catchy title? You just had to read on I know it...
So last week the shipment of parachute clips (or as we say in the biz Side Release Buckles) that I needed to finish the Joey Bags were put on back order for two weeks...which if you are playing along at home you know would have the shipment arriving while I was at Craft Attack already...which um, would be too late. I scrambled and found another outlet a couple days later and ordered a replacement batch o' buckles at roughly 3 times the cost but, I thought, at least I would have them. (I added the whole experience to my List of Lessons Learned About Procrastinating which I totally plan to read someday.) Anyway, yesterday I was thrilled when my package arrived via FedEx! Only guess what? It was the original (back ordered) shipment...the replacement order came via USPS about 3 hours later. It's just like Christmas around here! Only with black plastic buckles instead of chocolate and presents...but, at least the Joey Bags are done now. For real.
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